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See what Reptile Buddy can do for you

Animal husbandry


Register your animals

Add your animals and include information on species, gender, morphs, birthdate and breeder

Keep track of their progress

Add weight or length information regularly and Reptile Buddy will show you the growth progress of your animal. You can also include tracking for feedings, breeding, cleaning, and more!

Store photos and documents

Add photos of your animals for future reference to see how their appearance changes over time. You can also add documents like CITES, shipping or health declarations to every animal.

Scan and share

Generate a QR-code for every animal to share it with someone else. They can add the animal to their own collection this way or just store it as a bookmark to check back in whenever they want

Breeding projects


Create a project

Create pairings between different animals, including those with multiple males or females.

Predict the outcome*

If one of your animals has a morph, the app will give you the odds on the hatchling morphs. Switch out animals to quickly calculate the odds for other animals

Add clutches to your project

Whenever one of your animals lays a clutch of eggs, you can easily add it to a project. Just enter the number of eggs and in how many days the eggs will hatch and you're off and running

Register progress

Whenever an egg hatches, goes bad or turns out to be infertile, you can quickly register it. Reptile Buddy will help you in quickly creating the new animals for you, including morph, lineage and health.
Reptile Buddy is the perfect tool for hobbyists, pro’s and businesses

Feedback is appreciated

Built for you,

but also by you

Our goal is to produce the best suite of tools for reptile keepers the world has ever seen. But in order to do that, we need your input too. If you have anything you would like to see added to the app, or if you want to help us by voting on suggestions made by other people, please do so by visiting our feedback portal.